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Best practices while hiring

  • Article, Business, Publications
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  • James ndambiri

The growth and development of any organization depend heavily on the hiring of new talent. Bringing new talent can result in the development of new ideas and insights. The process of hiring can be a time-consuming and resource intensive process. Hiring employees who have not been thoroughly screened can end up being costly to the business and investment. This is referred to as “Bad Hires”. Establishing best hiring practices helps to safeguard your business/company during the hiring process. A bad hire is simply an employee who proves not to be a good fit or match within their individual role or for the organization.

In other cases, a bad hire could have misrepresented or exaggerated their qualification or expertise during the hiring process and unable to perform after being hired. Bad hires are frequently believed to be people with high turnover rates. However, they can also be employees that perform poorly or don’t fit in with the company culture. This is can be challenging to spot during the recruitment process.

In order to reduce your risk of onboarding bad hires this article will assist you to develop a standardized method that can apply during the talent acquisition process.

The following are best practices an employer can use to protect his / her company during the recruitment process.

Some ways to improve the interview process include training managers about proper techniques and preparing questions in advance. You should have a list of open-ended questions that encourage the candidate to speak and a list of pre-approved follow up questions that may be asked as needed. The questions should only be based on any knowledge, skills, or abilities required for the job. All questions that may elicit information about age, gender, religion, national origin, marital status, disability or other protected classes, even indirectly, need to be avoided in the interview process. You should also avoid asking any prohibited questions, such as those that have to do with criminal or salary history. You should also avoid making any hiring decisions based on a person’s physical appearance. The main goal is to conduct each interview without allowing any personal, sometimes unrecognized, bias to affect the decision-making process. The interview process should be well-tailored to achieve objectivity for valid and successful results.

Considering background checks and screening

Conducting background checks is a way to secure information about your potential candidate. Make sure the background screen is administered at the proper time in the application process. The background checks can include criminal screening, verifying employment and education, or more depending on the job responsibilities. The past and history of the candidate are very important during the hiring process for it provide the character information necessary for any organization.

Employees references check

Employee references should also be checked once a candidate has cleared their background screening. While it can be cumbersome, doing so can give you direct information on how qualified an applicant is. It can provide additional detail that the background screening cannot capture. Ask for the job title, job responsibilities, and any special projects that the candidate has worked on in the past. You should create a standardized list of questions and utilize them for each applicant to avoid complication issues. While checking references, keep in mind that some may only provide you with hire and termination dates, but others may give you a better understanding of the candidate’s qualifications. Avoid any questions that could put you at risk of legal issues.

At MNC, we assist you in protecting your company from bad hires by:

Once you make a decision to hire a new employee, make sure that the right onboarding process if followed. This can help set your newly hired employees and your business up for success. MNC CONSULTING HR experts assists help reduce the risk of a bad hire. Using our expertise and HR products and technologies, you can transform employees into productive and effective teams while aligning employees with company goals.

Author: James ndambiri
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